Evidence | CpG Methylation in Kidney Neoplasms
- Mares J, Kriz V, Weinhausel A, Vodickova S, Kodet R, Haas OA, Sedlacek Z, Goetz P Methylation changes in promoter and enhancer regions of the WT1 gene inWilms' tumours. Cancer Lett 2001 May 26;166(2):165-71.
- Malik K, Salpekar A, Hancock A, Moorwood K, Jackson S, Charles A, Brown KW, Malik K, Salpekar A, Hancock A, Moorwood K, Jackson S, Charles A, Brown KW Identification of differential methylation of the WT1 antisense regulatoryregion and relaxation of imprinting in Wilms' tumor. Cancer Res 2000 May 1;60(9):2356-60.
Deletion in Kidney Neoplasms
LOH in Kidney Neoplasms
- Skotnicka-Klonowicz G, Rieske P, Bartkowiak J, Szymik-Kantorowicz S, Daszkiewicz P, Debiec-Rychter M Loss of heterozygosity of WT1 gene in the prognosis of sporadic Wilms'tumour in children. Anticancer Res 1999 Mar-Apr;19(2B):1451-4.
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- Kaneko Y, Takeda O, Homma C, Maseki N, Miyoshi H, Tsunematsu Y, Williams BG, Saunders GF, Sakurai M Deletion of WT1 and WIT1 genes and loss of heterozygosity on chromosome11p in Wilms tumors in Japan. Jpn J Cancer Res 1993 Jun;84(6):616-24.
Mutation in Kidney Neoplasms
- Sakamoto J, Takata A, Fukuzawa R, Kikuchi H, Sugiyama M, Kanamori Y, Hashizume K, Hata JI A novel WT1 gene mutation associated with wilms' tumor and congenital malegenitourinary malformation. Pediatr Res 2001 Sep;50(3):337-44.
- Maiti S, Alam R, Amos CI, Huff V Frequent association of beta-catenin and WT1 mutations in Wilms tumors. Cancer Res 2000 Nov 15;60(22):6288-92.
- Lobbert RW, Klemm G, Gruttner HP, Harms D, Winterpacht A, Zabel BU Novel WT1 mutation, 11p LOH, and t(7;12) (p22;q22) chromosomaltranslocation identified in a Wilms' tumor case. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 1998 Apr;21(4):347-50.
- Park S, Bernard A, Bove KE, Sens DA, Hazen-Martin DJ, Garvin AJ, Haber DA Inactivation of WT1 in nephrogenic rests, genetic precursors to Wilms'tumour. Nat Genet 1993 Dec;5(4):363-7.
- Quek HH, Chow VT, Tock EP, Quek HH, Chow VT, Tock EP The third zinc finger of the WT1 gene is mutated in Wilms' tumour but notin a broad range of other urogenital tumours. Anticancer Res 1993 Sep-Oct;13(5A):1575-80.
Mutation in Other
Mutation in Nephrotic Syndrome
- Schumacher V, Scharer K, Wuhl E, Altrogge H, Bonzel KE, Guschmann M, Neuhaus TJ, Pollastro RM, Kuwertz-Broking E, Bulla M, Tondera AM, Mundel P, Helmchen U, Waldherr R, Weirich A, Royer-Pokora B Spectrum of early onset nephrotic syndrome associated with WT1 missensemutations. Kidney Int 1998 Jun;53(6):1594-600.
Mutation in System Syndrom with Kidney Involvment
- Swiatecka-Urban A, Mokrzycki MH, Kaskel F, Da Silva F, Denamur E Novel WT1 mutation (C388Y) in a female child with Denys-Drash syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 2001 Aug;16(8):627-30.
- Dharnidharka VR, Ruteshouser EC, Rosen S, Kozakewich H, Harris HW Jr, Herrin JT, Huff V, Dharnidharka VR, Ruteshouser EC, Rosen S, Kozakewich H, Harris HW Jr, Herrin JT, Huff V, Dharnidharka VR, Ruteshouser EC, Rosen S, Kozakewich H, Harris HW Jr, Herrin JT, Huff V Pulmonary dysplasia, Denys-Drash syndrome and Wilms tumor 1 gene mutationin twins. Pediatr Nephrol 2001 Mar;16(3):227-31.
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- Baird PN, Santos A, Groves N, Jadresic L, Cowell JK, Baird PN, Santos A, Groves N, Jadresic L, Cowell JK Constitutional mutations in the WT1 gene in patients with Denys-Drashsyndrome. Hum Mol Genet 1992 Aug;1(5):301-5.
- Pelletier J, Bruening W, Kashtan CE, Mauer SM, Manivel JC, Striegel JE, Houghton DC, Junien C, Habib R, Fouser L, et al. Germline mutations in the Wilms' tumor suppressor gene are associated withabnormal urogenital development in Denys-Drash syndrome. Cell 1991 Oct 18;67(2):437-47.
Mutation in Nephrosclerosis
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