Evidence | CpG Methylation in Kidney Neoplasms
- Kondo K, Yao M, Yoshida M, Kishida T, Shuin T, Miura T, Moriyama M, Kobayashi K, Sakai N, Kaneko S, Kawakami S, Baba M, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Nakatani Y, Hosaka M, Cullinane CA, Ellenhorn JD, Weitzel JN, Kondo K, Yao M, Yoshida M, Kishida T, Shuin T, Miura T, Moriyama M, Kobayashi K, Sakai N, Kaneko S, Kawakami S, Baba M, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Nakatani Y, Hosaka M, Kondo K, Yao M, Yoshida M, Kishida T, Shuin T, Miura T, Moriyama M, Kobayashi K, Sakai N, Kaneko S, Kawakami S, Baba M, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Nakatani Y, Hosaka M Comprehensive mutational analysis of the VHL gene in sporadic renal cellcarcinoma: relationship to clinicopathological parameters. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2002 May;34(1):58-68.
- Kuzmin I, Geil L, Ge H, Bengtsson U, Duh FM, Stanbridge EJ, Lerman MI Analysis of aberrant methylation of the VHL gene by transgenes,monochromosome transfer, and cell fusion. Oncogene 1999 Oct 7;18(41):5672-9.
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CpG Methylation in System Syndrom with Kidney Involvment
- Prowse AH, Webster AR, Richards FM, Richard S, Olschwang S, Resche F, Affara NA, Maher ER, Prowse AH, Webster AR, Richards FM, Richard S, Olschwang S, Resche F, Affara NA, Maher ER Somatic inactivation of the VHL gene in Von Hippel-Lindau disease tumors. Am J Hum Genet 1997 Apr;60(4):765-71.
Deletion in Kidney Neoplasms
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- Ma X, Yang K, Lindblad P, Egevad L, Hemminki K, Ma X, Yang K, Lindblad P, Egevad L, Hemminki K VHL gene alterations in renal cell carcinoma patients: novel hotspot orfounder mutations and linkage disequilibrium. Oncogene 2001 Aug 30;20(38):5393-400.
- Maranchie JK, Afonso A, Albert PS, Kalyandrug S, Phillips JL, Zhou S, Peterson J, Ghadimi BM, Hurley K, Riss J, Vasselli JR, Ried T, Zbar B, Choyke P, Walther MM, Klausner RD, Linehan WM Solid renal tumor severity in von Hippel Lindau disease is related togermline deletion length and location. Hum Mutat 2004 Jan;23(1):40-6.
Deletion in System Syndrom with Kidney Involvment
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LOH in Kidney Neoplasms
- Igarashi H, Esumi M, Ishida H, Okada K, Igarashi H, Esumi M, Ishida H, Okada K Vascular endothelial growth factor overexpression is correlated with vonHippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene inactivation in patients with sporadicrenal cell carcinoma. Cancer 2002 Jul 1;95(1):47-53.
- Kondo K, Yao M, Yoshida M, Kishida T, Shuin T, Miura T, Moriyama M, Kobayashi K, Sakai N, Kaneko S, Kawakami S, Baba M, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Nakatani Y, Hosaka M, Cullinane CA, Ellenhorn JD, Weitzel JN, Kondo K, Yao M, Yoshida M, Kishida T, Shuin T, Miura T, Moriyama M, Kobayashi K, Sakai N, Kaneko S, Kawakami S, Baba M, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Nakatani Y, Hosaka M, Kondo K, Yao M, Yoshida M, Kishida T, Shuin T, Miura T, Moriyama M, Kobayashi K, Sakai N, Kaneko S, Kawakami S, Baba M, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Nakatani Y, Hosaka M Comprehensive mutational analysis of the VHL gene in sporadic renal cellcarcinoma: relationship to clinicopathological parameters. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2002 May;34(1):58-68.
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Mutation in Kidney Neoplasms
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- Kondo K, Yao M, Yoshida M, Kishida T, Shuin T, Miura T, Moriyama M, Kobayashi K, Sakai N, Kaneko S, Kawakami S, Baba M, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Nakatani Y, Hosaka M, Cullinane CA, Ellenhorn JD, Weitzel JN, Kondo K, Yao M, Yoshida M, Kishida T, Shuin T, Miura T, Moriyama M, Kobayashi K, Sakai N, Kaneko S, Kawakami S, Baba M, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Nakatani Y, Hosaka M, Kondo K, Yao M, Yoshida M, Kishida T, Shuin T, Miura T, Moriyama M, Kobayashi K, Sakai N, Kaneko S, Kawakami S, Baba M, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Nakatani Y, Hosaka M Comprehensive mutational analysis of the VHL gene in sporadic renal cellcarcinoma: relationship to clinicopathological parameters. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2002 May;34(1):58-68.
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Mutation in System Syndrom with Kidney Involvment
- Vortmeyer AO, Huang SC, Pack SD, Koch CA, Lubensky IA, Oldfield EH, Zhuang Z, Vortmeyer AO, Huang SC, Pack SD, Koch CA, Lubensky IA, Oldfield EH, Zhuang Z, Vortmeyer AO, Huang SC, Pack SD, Koch CA, Lubensky IA, Oldfield EH, Zhuang Z Somatic point mutation of the wild-type allele detected in tumors ofpatients with VHL germline deletion. Oncogene 2002 Feb 14;21(8):1167-70.
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- Whaley JM, Naglich J, Gelbert L, Hsia YE, Lamiell JM, Green JS, Collins D, Neumann HP, Laidlaw J, Li FP, et al. Germ-line mutations in the von Hippel-Lindau tumor-suppressor gene aresimilar to somatic von Hippel-Lindau aberrations in sporadic renal cellcarcinoma. Am J Hum Genet 1994 Dec;55(6):1092-102.
- Maher ER, Yates JR, Ferguson-Smith MA Statistical analysis of the two stage mutation model in von Hippel-Lindaudisease, and in sporadic cerebellar haemangioblastoma and renal cellcarcinoma. J Med Genet 1990 May;27(5):311-4.
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