
Human Prostate Gene DataBase

Name v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian)
Symbol MYC
Aliases C-MYC; v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog; Avian myelocytomatosis viral (v-myc) oncogene homolog
Gene Product
  • v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog
  • Amplification in Prostate cancer
SummaryTranscription factor; activates and represses expression of target genes
Gene Ontology
EST (212 ESTs, 112 libraries)
Tissue ? Frequency ? Count ?
adrenal gland (1/15)0.020 1/17521
blood (3/27)0.089 7/40686
bone (1/13)0.013 1/26211
bone marrow (1/263)0.159 1/38555
brain (7/204)0.005 17/362011
cervix (1/7)0.015 6/28115
colon (13/853)0.814 25/165626
ear (1/2)0.008 2/12660
embryo (1/19)0.002 1/37976
foreskin (1/4)0.005 2/20040
gall (1/3)0.032 1/2502
head and neck (5/990)1.000 9/79796
heart (2/22)0.001 2/55494
intestine (1/4)0.004 1/11528
kidney (5/86)0.004 6/132968
liver (2/38)0.007 4/46472
lung (7/312)0.015 8/245386
nervous (1/475)0.545 2/43438
ovary (2/144)0.013 5/81880
pancreas (2/33)0.004 3/117255
placenta (3/342)0.005 6/157762
prostate (5/291)0.007 14/109871
skin (2/31)0.345 5/100815
stomach (11/312)0.009 14/129930
testis (3/171)0.020 10/117531
uncharacterized tissue (24/1773)0.015 50/713325
uterus (6/212)0.002 9/155110
SAGE (14065806 tags, 300 libraries)
Tissue ? Frequency ? Count ?
blood (1/1)0.723 55/97046
brain (19/19)0.517 709/2564660
cerebellum (1/1)0.139 10/102560
colon (8/8)0.493 275/1379945
eye (6/6)0.268 105/820386
foreskin (2/2)0.241 6/29015
heart (1/1)0.298 32/253071
kidney (2/2)0.440 46/106013
liver (1/1)0.177 16/200583
lung (1/1)0.544 67/267429
mammary gland (19/19)0.910 1051/1579939
muscle (2/2)0.277 41/269309
ovary (10/10)0.785 305/774143
pancreas (8/8)0.881 368/859545
prostate (13/13)0.881 643/1609940
skin (7/7)0.558 88/140008
stomach (3/3)0.566 157/571162
uncharacterized tissue (22/22)1.000 949/1991382
vascular (3/3)0.919 268/449670
SNPrs2070582 (A/G:mrna-utr);  rs14607 (T/C:mrna-utr);  rs2071346 (G/T:mrna-utr);  
EvidenceAmplification in Prostate cancer

© 2002, PGDB, All Rights Reserved.
Department of Urology
Universityof California, San Francisco